Saturday, 29 January 2011

28/01 - A decent Day.

Hi guys;
Today is Friday.
I love Fridays; weekend is near, only three lessons, and no homework needs to be done.
Today I had double math and Chemistry, all of which was mediocre.
Then all my school friends and I (Bar one who joined about ten minutes before I left). All walked to a friend's house and we played a board game called " The game of Life" I think? Anyway, more importantly, I won. And I never win.
Then we started watching Knocked up; which is a must-see film; and about 5 minutes in guys just started appearing every 5 minutes or so, killing the "girls night in" but no one cared anyway. Then we ordered Piza, I ate, then I left for babysitting.
Had to move the sofa forward because I have such bad Eye sight, and Ben came and bought ice cream with him which was awesome. I bought all my text books with me (which is a lot) but only did two math questions, so it was a bit of a waste; the TV , after being able to now see it, distracted me.
Got back at half one; and am now writing this;
Good night!

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