Tuesday, 15 February 2011

15/02- Art.

Today was quite okay.

I miss art.
I think I am going to get back into drawing and painting like I use to, its so Therapeutic, and as they say ' A picture paints a thousand words'. I miss interpreting things through pencil, and letting thoughts flow through the lead.. I've never been a good drawer, but I also never cared; It's not like I want it as a career path, it's.. almost a means of escape, I can draw my own little world, and I can draw what I want, I can erase things and start over. I can stop, and pick off where I left off whenever I want.
No one ever sees my art, and that is the beauty of it. I have a huge stash of my photos no one knows about, and no one needs to; each photo capturing a memory, Though they might not mean anything to someone else; they could mean everything to another, and me. (For example; the photos as the 'banner' on my blog I took).

Just one of the photos I took for my art project a long while back; But I like it, it's simplistic.

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