So; today I went into town again, and did my business as per (returning some stuff, not overly exciting to be honest..), And I was half an hour early, but I went over to my friends house anyway; nothing like being lazy to walk back home.
Today I got educated in Disney films, because no, I did not have them in my childhood. And yes, I know I was deprived.
we watched:
Bambi was rubbish. Not going to lie; nothing even happened for one and a half hours, if someone asked me the plot all I could say it that it rained, the mum dies, and who I thought were female animals turn out to be male.
The lion king and Aladdin are amazing though. But I did really want to watch the Jungle book and Peter Pan...
' Second star to the right and straight on till morning'.
Also, we ordered four 18" pizzas.. for ten people.
Seems like too much; but it all got eaten pretty fast, good thing I didn't have breakfast or lunch today I guess.
Define: Average- Lacking special distinction, rank, or status,exceptional quality or ability.
Monday, 21 February 2011
Sunday, 20 February 2011
20/02- Murder?.
Today I woke up late, and wondered into two.
I met up with a friend and we had a great catch up; and that was about it.
I just re-dyed my hair, and my bath looks like I have casually murdered someone..
That is about all for today; nothing interesting, and am tired now. Good night!.
Today I woke up late, and wondered into two.
I met up with a friend and we had a great catch up; and that was about it.
I just re-dyed my hair, and my bath looks like I have casually murdered someone..
That is about all for today; nothing interesting, and am tired now. Good night!.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
19/02- Interrobanged‽‽.
I just ( I say just, this was bout 5 hours ago) got back from my intense trip to IKEA.
(I didn't mean to type that in caps but I am too lazy to re-type it, so instead I am typing this much longer than what I would have re-typed explanation.. They should add a caps button of the Keyboard, where it changed upper case to lower case, and lower case to upper case. I= So genius).
Prepare to be bombarded with representational pictures of my day..
So, after a two hour journey into wherever Ikea is..
We entered the store , at which I was automatically reminded of the scene from 500 days of summer, where they go into a furniture store with show rooms, pretending its their house and its so cute. "Darling; there is a Chinese family in or Bathroom.".
So yes.
After wondering around for AGES wanting to buy everything; we came across the wardrobes, so I whipped out my measuring tape and got going!
this is the one I got because:
A. It was cheap.
B. Its big.
C. It was cheap.
D. It was the only one that fit in my smalllll room.
E. It was cheap.

So, then I went on a hunt for the biggest clear plastic box I could fins So I could convert it into Timothy's cage because he is the only hedgehog on the earth for persists on climbing EVERYTHING.
At which point I had no luck, because everything is sectioned into "rooms", And what room would you place a huge-as-fuck plastic box in? It was like a magic Easter egg hunt.
We then hit the dining area (like, the actually eating area in Ikea, not the show rooms..), And having never been to Ikea I opted for the world famous "Ikea meatballs":
That dish looks about a hundred times nicer than what I was given.. Mine was swimming in so much oil that it wasn't even able to mix into the sauce..
And by the end of it I felt physically sick.
After this I bought some Daim bars (Nomnomnom.) and tried one of their biscuits, which they shouldn't let people try because they look nice, but after trying them it made me not want to buy them.
So then we bought everything and went home.
And I just realised, I haven't had dinner, I have been waiting and have realised, apparently dinner is self service and is not being cooked today apparently. So I open up the fridge and well; bam, there is nothing there. I say nothing, By nothing I mean nothing edible.
And by nothing edible I mean that gross food only one family member uses for sandwiches, or some crazy rubbish like that.
Shit yeah. Sounds like the dirtiest and most bad ass type of punctuation there possibly could ever be..
Because a cross between an explanation mark and a question mark is the greatest invention (Punctuation-wise) EVER!.
! + ? =
I just ( I say just, this was bout 5 hours ago) got back from my intense trip to IKEA.
(I didn't mean to type that in caps but I am too lazy to re-type it, so instead I am typing this much longer than what I would have re-typed explanation.. They should add a caps button of the Keyboard, where it changed upper case to lower case, and lower case to upper case. I= So genius).
Prepare to be bombarded with representational pictures of my day..
So, after a two hour journey into wherever Ikea is..
We entered the store , at which I was automatically reminded of the scene from 500 days of summer, where they go into a furniture store with show rooms, pretending its their house and its so cute. "Darling; there is a Chinese family in or Bathroom.".
So yes.
After wondering around for AGES wanting to buy everything; we came across the wardrobes, so I whipped out my measuring tape and got going!
this is the one I got because:
A. It was cheap.
B. Its big.
C. It was cheap.
D. It was the only one that fit in my smalllll room.
E. It was cheap.
So, then I went on a hunt for the biggest clear plastic box I could fins So I could convert it into Timothy's cage because he is the only hedgehog on the earth for persists on climbing EVERYTHING.
At which point I had no luck, because everything is sectioned into "rooms", And what room would you place a huge-as-fuck plastic box in? It was like a magic Easter egg hunt.
We then hit the dining area (like, the actually eating area in Ikea, not the show rooms..), And having never been to Ikea I opted for the world famous "Ikea meatballs":
That dish looks about a hundred times nicer than what I was given.. Mine was swimming in so much oil that it wasn't even able to mix into the sauce..
And by the end of it I felt physically sick.
After this I bought some Daim bars (Nomnomnom.) and tried one of their biscuits, which they shouldn't let people try because they look nice, but after trying them it made me not want to buy them.
So then we bought everything and went home.
And I just realised, I haven't had dinner, I have been waiting and have realised, apparently dinner is self service and is not being cooked today apparently. So I open up the fridge and well; bam, there is nothing there. I say nothing, By nothing I mean nothing edible.
And by nothing edible I mean that gross food only one family member uses for sandwiches, or some crazy rubbish like that.
Shit yeah. Sounds like the dirtiest and most bad ass type of punctuation there possibly could ever be..
Because a cross between an explanation mark and a question mark is the greatest invention (Punctuation-wise) EVER!.
! + ? =
Interrobang ‽‽ Yeah!.
You've just be taught the most intense powerful punctuation of all time by your's truly.
You just got interrobanged.
Use it wisely my friends.
(And yes, it is actually a real punctuation, kind of.)
Heres some facts fo' you non believers!
American Martin K. Speckter invented the interrobang in 1962.
In 1968, an interrobang key was available on some Remington typewriters. During the 1970s, it was possible to buy replacement interrobang keycaps and typefaces for some Smith-Corona typewriters.[5] The interrobang was in vogue for much of the 1960s, with the word interrobang appearing in some dictionaries and the mark itself being featured in magazine and newspaper articles.
blahblahblah, basically:
Friday, 18 February 2011
18/02- Hello Procrastination.
It's Friday!
Finally! The half term..
Time to relax and procrastinate, and not do the twenty odd pieces of homework I have been set..
And, on the topic Of relaxing, I am going to go kick off my shoes and have a nap; see you in an hour, or three.. or five.
I have whipped out my summer mix-tape (well mix-CD, but that doesn't sound cool, does it?), and it just makes everything better; Hurry up summer, I miss you.
Oh yeah; this is so hilarious :
Silly Timothy<3.
Off to mop up a big spill are we? Surely you don't need ALL that tissue paper! Greedy!
It's things like that that Timothy does that makes me smile (I am not sure if that's Right.. too many 'that's? )
It's Friday!
Finally! The half term..
Time to relax and procrastinate, and not do the twenty odd pieces of homework I have been set..
And, on the topic Of relaxing, I am going to go kick off my shoes and have a nap; see you in an hour, or three.. or five.
I have whipped out my summer mix-tape (well mix-CD, but that doesn't sound cool, does it?), and it just makes everything better; Hurry up summer, I miss you.
Oh yeah; this is so hilarious :
Silly Timothy<3.
Off to mop up a big spill are we? Surely you don't need ALL that tissue paper! Greedy!
It's things like that that Timothy does that makes me smile (I am not sure if that's Right.. too many 'that's? )
Thursday, 17 February 2011
17/02 - Chemistry Practical.
So, today was fairly dull, but still, I was actually quite content all day; which was an interesting feeling.
I am not sure what I would prefer; being content, or being up and down and experiencing the extremity's - Probably the latter, Content doesn't help you live life.
My chemistry practical went well (I think); this is based on the fact My teacher was asking what I got in my results to clarify with other students, and that she read my whole exam (probably isn't meant to but, I'm not going to complain) and didn't say anything other than 'Yeah, that's fine' etcetc.
Plus; I got to make things fizz and stuff so, that's all ways a plus.
I also went to some university talk thing this evening; which was fairly dull, but I guess it was quite informative (My parents both basically fell asleep.).
It is half term this Friday; I cannot wait, I really need this week off to chill and catch up with all my work (Namely the four or five math assignments I haven't even bothered looking at.. I am running out of excuses).
Oh; also we hit 2000 views the other day, that's quite awesome guys, thanks so much!♥.
So, today was fairly dull, but still, I was actually quite content all day; which was an interesting feeling.
I am not sure what I would prefer; being content, or being up and down and experiencing the extremity's - Probably the latter, Content doesn't help you live life.
My chemistry practical went well (I think); this is based on the fact My teacher was asking what I got in my results to clarify with other students, and that she read my whole exam (probably isn't meant to but, I'm not going to complain) and didn't say anything other than 'Yeah, that's fine' etcetc.
Plus; I got to make things fizz and stuff so, that's all ways a plus.
I also went to some university talk thing this evening; which was fairly dull, but I guess it was quite informative (My parents both basically fell asleep.).
It is half term this Friday; I cannot wait, I really need this week off to chill and catch up with all my work (Namely the four or five math assignments I haven't even bothered looking at.. I am running out of excuses).
Oh; also we hit 2000 views the other day, that's quite awesome guys, thanks so much!♥.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
16/02- Hess' law.
So today I have my Biology practical assessment, which went, well; Interestingly. It took me just under an hour to complete, and was beyond mundane. There is nothing interesting about water baths, milk substrate and Trypsin Enzyme..
So, now I have to 'revise' for my chemistry practical assessment, however I appear to have 'miss-placed' my notes, so this will be interesting. All I know is it is on Hess' law. Gotta love Hess' law. ... .. *Cough*.
Something along those lines.
Also, today I made flap jacks!
Except, I had no maple syrup, so I used honey, And I wasn't sure on the recipe so I just melted and mixed a bunch of stuff together; but it tasted good, so doesn't matter.. right?. So good in fact, that I ended up eating half the mixture and only cooking the other half.
Yeah; they came out something similar (but obviously better) to these fellas.
So today I have my Biology practical assessment, which went, well; Interestingly. It took me just under an hour to complete, and was beyond mundane. There is nothing interesting about water baths, milk substrate and Trypsin Enzyme..
So, now I have to 'revise' for my chemistry practical assessment, however I appear to have 'miss-placed' my notes, so this will be interesting. All I know is it is on Hess' law. Gotta love Hess' law. ... .. *Cough*.
Something along those lines.
Also, today I made flap jacks!
Except, I had no maple syrup, so I used honey, And I wasn't sure on the recipe so I just melted and mixed a bunch of stuff together; but it tasted good, so doesn't matter.. right?. So good in fact, that I ended up eating half the mixture and only cooking the other half.
Yeah; they came out something similar (but obviously better) to these fellas.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
15/02- Art.
Today was quite okay.
I miss art.
I think I am going to get back into drawing and painting like I use to, its so Therapeutic, and as they say ' A picture paints a thousand words'. I miss interpreting things through pencil, and letting thoughts flow through the lead.. I've never been a good drawer, but I also never cared; It's not like I want it as a career path, it's.. almost a means of escape, I can draw my own little world, and I can draw what I want, I can erase things and start over. I can stop, and pick off where I left off whenever I want.
No one ever sees my art, and that is the beauty of it. I have a huge stash of my photos no one knows about, and no one needs to; each photo capturing a memory, Though they might not mean anything to someone else; they could mean everything to another, and me. (For example; the photos as the 'banner' on my blog I took).
Just one of the photos I took for my art project a long while back; But I like it, it's simplistic.
Today was quite okay.
I miss art.
I think I am going to get back into drawing and painting like I use to, its so Therapeutic, and as they say ' A picture paints a thousand words'. I miss interpreting things through pencil, and letting thoughts flow through the lead.. I've never been a good drawer, but I also never cared; It's not like I want it as a career path, it's.. almost a means of escape, I can draw my own little world, and I can draw what I want, I can erase things and start over. I can stop, and pick off where I left off whenever I want.
No one ever sees my art, and that is the beauty of it. I have a huge stash of my photos no one knows about, and no one needs to; each photo capturing a memory, Though they might not mean anything to someone else; they could mean everything to another, and me. (For example; the photos as the 'banner' on my blog I took).
Just one of the photos I took for my art project a long while back; But I like it, it's simplistic.
Monday, 14 February 2011
14/02- Shallow Interpretation.
' "What's the date today?"
Group of people: "FOURTEEEENTH. Gaw". '
Yeah; Valentines at an all girls school = so not cool.
So today I woke up, and saw Timothy
(Visual reminder: )
And his cage was covered head to tow in bright red blood. Nice. I burst out in tears, and got him out and he was so panicky and traumatised he wouldn't stop running up and down and cuddling into me, coating my PJ top in bright red foot prints. His wheel was caked in blood, obviously so traumatised he just didn't know what to do.. after clearing his cage and washing everything I have put him in a clear plastic cage with no bars for him to climb, no wheel, no nothing other than food and water and his snuggle pouch. And then I came back home in a hurry to see him, and he was spotless.
Went downstairs to ask if my mum had given him a bath, and she looked at me in complete confusion; Obviously Timothy had licked the blood all off, or something equally disgusting.
(The reason I didn't is because if you run a cut under water you're just washing away all the cells that heal the wound, so you would basically bleed to death.). So that was one big sigh of relief, he is fine now, but still wont stop cuddling me.
"I'm not anti-romance, or anti-love. I'm just anti the commercial bastardisation of love."
A great quote from the anti-valentines day in Edinburgh yesterday.
I am not a fan of valentines day; Firstly, why should you have a day to show someone you love them? If you truly loved them, you would let them know every day..
Also mainly because it is so commercialised, it gains the 2nd most income than any other holiday.
Also it just rubs the fact your single into single people's faces.. so not cool..
I guess, it was a nice idea; until companies got a hold of it.
I could rant about this day for quite a while, and go into quite detail, but for any of you loved up optimistic's..
So viewers;
' "What's the date today?"
Group of people: "FOURTEEEENTH. Gaw". '
Yeah; Valentines at an all girls school = so not cool.
So today I woke up, and saw Timothy
(Visual reminder: )
And his cage was covered head to tow in bright red blood. Nice. I burst out in tears, and got him out and he was so panicky and traumatised he wouldn't stop running up and down and cuddling into me, coating my PJ top in bright red foot prints. His wheel was caked in blood, obviously so traumatised he just didn't know what to do.. after clearing his cage and washing everything I have put him in a clear plastic cage with no bars for him to climb, no wheel, no nothing other than food and water and his snuggle pouch. And then I came back home in a hurry to see him, and he was spotless.
Went downstairs to ask if my mum had given him a bath, and she looked at me in complete confusion; Obviously Timothy had licked the blood all off, or something equally disgusting.
(The reason I didn't is because if you run a cut under water you're just washing away all the cells that heal the wound, so you would basically bleed to death.). So that was one big sigh of relief, he is fine now, but still wont stop cuddling me.
"I'm not anti-romance, or anti-love. I'm just anti the commercial bastardisation of love."
A great quote from the anti-valentines day in Edinburgh yesterday.
I am not a fan of valentines day; Firstly, why should you have a day to show someone you love them? If you truly loved them, you would let them know every day..
Also mainly because it is so commercialised, it gains the 2nd most income than any other holiday.
Also it just rubs the fact your single into single people's faces.. so not cool..
I guess, it was a nice idea; until companies got a hold of it.
I could rant about this day for quite a while, and go into quite detail, but for any of you loved up optimistic's..
So viewers;
Happy Unimaginative, consumerist-oriented, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance Day.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
13/02- Stats.
Good day;
Right so today I took a sneaky look at my stats for this blog.
Turns out My blog has been viewed from eleven different countries, that's quite funky but also creepy at the same time..
United Kingdom
United States
South Korea
(copied and pasted that and have tried for the last five minutes to get rid of the weirdly large gaps between each country, sorry I couldn't).
S'quite cool.
Also that 12% of my views are off of Iphones; Who are all these rich people viewing my blog? Haha.
And seeing as I now know a fair few of you who read this have Iphones, I am now going to share my dislike of them.
(Not going to lie, googling smashed Iphone came up with some pretty nice pictures.. unless you reallllly love Iphones then it;s probably like googling dead kitten.)
I just can't stand them; They are only good for their pointless apps, in which you might as well get an Ipod touch for anyway.. I hate touch screen, flip, slide, swivel etcetc you name it. Plain old brick phone for my please. Preferentially with a qwerty keyboard.
Seriously, everyone type QWERTY it is so fun. Qwertyqwertyqwerty.
Insane, that entertained me for at least six seconds.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
12/02- Warmth.
Today feels like Spring; and I love it.
I have the sun shining through the window, onto my back. And this is a feeling I so sorely miss, and it has automatically brightened up my mood.
I have got out my Summer tunes and gosh, the memories and good times they bring back, Just brings a smile to my face.
Happy-go-lucky tunes are just too good.
The rocket Summer. You will forever be my summer songs - Best band ever? Possibly? No. Definitely.
The lyrics are perfection, and I couldn't not love any single one of their songs; not to mention the fact he has the voice of an angel.
Today feels like Spring; and I love it.
I have the sun shining through the window, onto my back. And this is a feeling I so sorely miss, and it has automatically brightened up my mood.
I have got out my Summer tunes and gosh, the memories and good times they bring back, Just brings a smile to my face.
Happy-go-lucky tunes are just too good.
The rocket Summer. You will forever be my summer songs - Best band ever? Possibly? No. Definitely.
The lyrics are perfection, and I couldn't not love any single one of their songs; not to mention the fact he has the voice of an angel.
It's a beautiful day,
Now I'll be ok now that you're not away.
Yesterday was a terrible day;
But now that you're here I'm okay,
Cause you don't know how much I, I need you
Please don't go
You're so wonderful
This I swear, this I know
You, oh you, every single thing you do
I'm so proud of you
What you do
When you do the things you do
They're so you
So thanks for your help;
You shine so bright,
You are the star that's in my sky,
And I am yours and you are mine.
Now I'll be ok now that you're not away.
Yesterday was a terrible day;
But now that you're here I'm okay,
Cause you don't know how much I, I need you
Please don't go
You're so wonderful
This I swear, this I know
You, oh you, every single thing you do
I'm so proud of you
What you do
When you do the things you do
They're so you
So thanks for your help;
You shine so bright,
You are the star that's in my sky,
And I am yours and you are mine.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
10/02- Raindrops.
Today I got soaked head to toe by a car that drove past me; Did not appreciate it to be honest.
I have a love hate relationship with the rain; dependant on my mood.
Sometimes I just love to sit and watch it; well more listen. The sound of the rain drumming on windows, trees and rooftops is quite something. Watching the raindrops race down the window, and trickle off leaves. And that cool touch on your skin as it runs down your face; hiding any tears. Drenching you; washing away your feelings.
Other times it is cold and harsh. Freezing me to the bone and soaking my clothes until they are heavy, adding to the weight on my shoulders.
Today I got soaked head to toe by a car that drove past me; Did not appreciate it to be honest.
I have a love hate relationship with the rain; dependant on my mood.
Sometimes I just love to sit and watch it; well more listen. The sound of the rain drumming on windows, trees and rooftops is quite something. Watching the raindrops race down the window, and trickle off leaves. And that cool touch on your skin as it runs down your face; hiding any tears. Drenching you; washing away your feelings.
Other times it is cold and harsh. Freezing me to the bone and soaking my clothes until they are heavy, adding to the weight on my shoulders.
11/02- Here's to the heart breakers.
Another average day, of course.
Walked passed a guy with his hood up holding a bunch of golf clubs, walking all.. well with what looked like a limp. But I think it was a "cool" walk. Apparently.
Here's to all the Heart breakers,
For keeping us around whilst keeping our confidence down.
So Light a match under my paper heart;
Watch it burn and my tears flow,
You have made me scared to ever fall in love again..
But I know this feeling, with the constant butterflies, and it just won't go away.
I hate it and love it, and wish you knew it, and felt it too.
I don't want to fall for you, because I know you won't be there to catch me♥.
Another average day, of course.
Walked passed a guy with his hood up holding a bunch of golf clubs, walking all.. well with what looked like a limp. But I think it was a "cool" walk. Apparently.
Here's to all the Heart breakers,
For keeping us around whilst keeping our confidence down.
So Light a match under my paper heart;
Watch it burn and my tears flow,
You have made me scared to ever fall in love again..
But I know this feeling, with the constant butterflies, and it just won't go away.
I hate it and love it, and wish you knew it, and felt it too.
I don't want to fall for you, because I know you won't be there to catch me♥.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
09/02- Sleepy.
Today was, well. Fairly dull and Uneventful as normal.
I am still lacking good moods and anything to write about.
I'll fill this gap with a grown up Timothy.
He is sleeping on my lap at the moment.
Today was, well. Fairly dull and Uneventful as normal.
I am still lacking good moods and anything to write about.
I'll fill this gap with a grown up Timothy.
He is sleeping on my lap at the moment.
08/02- A wonderful find.
Oh I wish my life was not so incredibly dull and repetitive so I would have something interesting to tell you! Alas I do not.
I wish I didn't have to post telling you nothing every day because I just have to post something; otherwise my titles just would not work and it would look like I mess!
Plus it looks nice.
Plus, well hey, It's a little challenge on how many times I can write about nothing.
Today I had a double free; well, I wouldn't normally but there are so many people in my class not here that they cancelled the lesson. Boo yaaaah!
So I spent it very productively.. ... .. On BBC Iplayer of course.
And I realised I wonderful, simply fantastic thing.
Being human is Back.
Yesyesyes. Gosh; You do not know how much I am in love with that programme, it is simply insane.
And you just have to go watch it; give it a chance ( I have never been able to describe it with out it sounding like a pile of poop). It is the best series (bar doctrinaires of course!) BBC have ever made!
I watched all three episodes of the third series today, why were there no adverts for it? Well, probably because I don't really watch TV. But still. I am not sure if series one and two are on BBC Iplayer still; I hope so.
(I wish I got paid for this plug; that'd be cool, Because I know all of you are now going to go watch it, Right?)
Oh; and if I haven't persuaded you; The Main character is pretty attractive.
Bet you want to watch it now!.
I'm out.
Oh I wish my life was not so incredibly dull and repetitive so I would have something interesting to tell you! Alas I do not.
I wish I didn't have to post telling you nothing every day because I just have to post something; otherwise my titles just would not work and it would look like I mess!
Plus it looks nice.
Plus, well hey, It's a little challenge on how many times I can write about nothing.
Today I had a double free; well, I wouldn't normally but there are so many people in my class not here that they cancelled the lesson. Boo yaaaah!
So I spent it very productively.. ... .. On BBC Iplayer of course.
And I realised I wonderful, simply fantastic thing.
Being human is Back.
Yesyesyes. Gosh; You do not know how much I am in love with that programme, it is simply insane.
And you just have to go watch it; give it a chance ( I have never been able to describe it with out it sounding like a pile of poop). It is the best series (bar doctrinaires of course!) BBC have ever made!
I watched all three episodes of the third series today, why were there no adverts for it? Well, probably because I don't really watch TV. But still. I am not sure if series one and two are on BBC Iplayer still; I hope so.
(I wish I got paid for this plug; that'd be cool, Because I know all of you are now going to go watch it, Right?)
Oh; and if I haven't persuaded you; The Main character is pretty attractive.
Bet you want to watch it now!.
I'm out.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
06/02- ...
No entry today.
Well; Actually I'm not.
No good mood = Rant that's not worth it or relevant to any of you.
No entry today.
Well; Actually I'm not.
No good mood = Rant that's not worth it or relevant to any of you.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
05/02- Overslept.
Hello Everyone;
Another mediocre day; I intended on going into town and buying incredibly needed (no sarcasm) new shoes; mine have eligibly fallen to pieces.
However, I over slept. Well, I say over slept, I lied in my bed doing nothing for far too long before I bothered getting up.
Another mediocre day; I intended on going into town and buying incredibly needed (no sarcasm) new shoes; mine have eligibly fallen to pieces.
However, I over slept. Well, I say over slept, I lied in my bed doing nothing for far too long before I bothered getting up.
Friday, 4 February 2011
04/02- Absent minded.
Today is a Friday.
Yet again I cannot recall what I did today; It was not very interesting and not a lot occurred.
Sorry; I wish I had some better news..
Apologies for my absent minded entries, My life is a dull repetitive flow.
Today is a Friday.
Yet again I cannot recall what I did today; It was not very interesting and not a lot occurred.
Sorry; I wish I had some better news..
Apologies for my absent minded entries, My life is a dull repetitive flow.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
03/02- Hiccup.
The temperature keeps changing or I am ill. Because throughout the day I have been having 5 minute intervals of being either completely boiling or freezing cold; I am not enjoying it.
Also I had killer hic-cups throughout the day; and not those funny little ones; I get serious painful, top what I am doing, start crying, my chest is imploding and crushing itself kind of hiccups. Not. Fun.
Lets google what causes hiccups; I will do anything to prevent these monsters!
'But sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in hits your voice box, you're left with a big hiccup.'
Well. that sure was fun. Nothing to really prevent them then.
On other news, I had another day of boring nothingness; where I did nothing but school. Oh the joy of school.
So well, that is not really news.
I want summer back, and the feel of the sun on my skin.
I want all the good times summer brings, and the memories that they create.
The temperature keeps changing or I am ill. Because throughout the day I have been having 5 minute intervals of being either completely boiling or freezing cold; I am not enjoying it.
Also I had killer hic-cups throughout the day; and not those funny little ones; I get serious painful, top what I am doing, start crying, my chest is imploding and crushing itself kind of hiccups. Not. Fun.
Lets google what causes hiccups; I will do anything to prevent these monsters!
'But sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in hits your voice box, you're left with a big hiccup.'
Well. that sure was fun. Nothing to really prevent them then.
On other news, I had another day of boring nothingness; where I did nothing but school. Oh the joy of school.
So well, that is not really news.
I want summer back, and the feel of the sun on my skin.
I want all the good times summer brings, and the memories that they create.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
02/02- Deja Vu?.
today was boring, and I can't even remember if what happened today actually happened today, or if it happened yesterday; or even if it ever happened and my mind is just trying to pretend I am doing something with my life.
today was boring, and I can't even remember if what happened today actually happened today, or if it happened yesterday; or even if it ever happened and my mind is just trying to pretend I am doing something with my life.
Therefore I can't really say what I did today, as I myself don't know.
That's all I have time for now really.
See you tomorrow!.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
1/02 - Shipwrecked.
It is funny how one thing can change your mood so rapidly and dramatically. And how it ruins the rest of the entire day; no matter what else happens that day.
Another mediocre day has slipped past, oh which I cannot really recall what occurred throughout it.
It was dull.
It is nice how certain people exist who can put a smile on your face just by saying hello; How easy they are to talk to and how a conversation can be held for hours without it ever getting boring. I'm grateful these people exist. But, these people never really know how much they make me smile, or how much they really mean to me. It is perfectly lovely to be able to have a nice care-free conversation about whatever comes to mind once in a while. So I guess this is my way of just putting it out there; thank you everyone who can hold decent care-free conversations!
I wish things were easier done than said; however this is of course not the case. No matter how hard I try I put myself through the same old shit every day, and frankly I cannot help it. There are certain people you would go to extreme lengths for, and the majority of those people do not even know it; and you don't want them to know it. Because for all you know, they have moved on and don't even remember you; whilst your still all caught up and longing, waiting. Waiting just for something. Anything. But deep down, you know that something will never come; and you hang on every word they might say, just for a grasp at a last chance for hope. Never.
Its a vicious cycle I can't get out of.
Like a ship wreck out at sea; and you are the ocean, Engulfing me.
It is funny how one thing can change your mood so rapidly and dramatically. And how it ruins the rest of the entire day; no matter what else happens that day.
Another mediocre day has slipped past, oh which I cannot really recall what occurred throughout it.
It was dull.
It is nice how certain people exist who can put a smile on your face just by saying hello; How easy they are to talk to and how a conversation can be held for hours without it ever getting boring. I'm grateful these people exist. But, these people never really know how much they make me smile, or how much they really mean to me. It is perfectly lovely to be able to have a nice care-free conversation about whatever comes to mind once in a while. So I guess this is my way of just putting it out there; thank you everyone who can hold decent care-free conversations!
I wish things were easier done than said; however this is of course not the case. No matter how hard I try I put myself through the same old shit every day, and frankly I cannot help it. There are certain people you would go to extreme lengths for, and the majority of those people do not even know it; and you don't want them to know it. Because for all you know, they have moved on and don't even remember you; whilst your still all caught up and longing, waiting. Waiting just for something. Anything. But deep down, you know that something will never come; and you hang on every word they might say, just for a grasp at a last chance for hope. Never.
Its a vicious cycle I can't get out of.
Like a ship wreck out at sea; and you are the ocean, Engulfing me.
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