Wednesday, 22 December 2010

22/12-Why, Hello.

This is something I wished to start in the new year; as kind of like a New years resolution.
However with the amount of thinking I got done today, I decided otherwise, and, here I am.
I plan to update on here every day; If I can, even to say ' Hi, I did nothing today. K. Bed now. Bye.'
I guess I could start with an introduction?..

I am your average teenage girl. Hello. Nice to meet you.
I have those quirky moments, and little interesting parts; but then again, who doesn't. I have come to understanding there is nothing Unique or special about me, I'm just a girl with bright red hair, a few piercings, a lot of phobias and who likes to have a nice good old chat.
Do not expect anything amazing; Each time I write I shall just let my thoughts flow onto the keyboard and that will be that..
I plan on writing everything on here; More as my own online personal diary, But of course for you all to read.. Therefore may be a few things I do not post on here, or will make some comments only a few or even one person would understand or pick up on.

This is me.
Nice to meet you.
*Shakes hand*.

Well; thats the 'introduction' done.
So, what this blog is made for.. what Happened today?
I did nothing and went to bed at 5am; woke up around 10am.
I lied in bed for an hour, being the lazy person I really am.
Then I contemplated revision for my exams in January, Spread out all my chemistry revision across my bed; Looked at it for a fair few seconds; and decided against it.
Then A few mishaps came up from a few people, and then for another several hours nothing occurred.
Around 4 I went with my older brother and his friend into town for Christmas shopping! 
Far too crowded, and I hate crowded places. And on this outing I bumped into someone, and. My god. The worst and most awkward thirty seconds of my life... 
Moving swiftly on..
I bought Two presents in total, Both for people by the name Of Ben:).
And then went home; falling asleep on the drive back.
And well. Now I am here; Hello.

And Farewell Dear.

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