Thursday, 23 December 2010

23/12- Christmas eve-eve.

(Seasons) Greetings!
How is everyone?

Today was yet again another very uneventful day..
I got out of bed at 2pm, (Sadly that is occurring more frequently..) and had a shower and then went downstairs to find my grandparents had arrived!
WOO!  I love my grandparents:) And I have not seen them in so long it was awesome to finally see them again and have a nice big hug from them:).
I then watched Narnia.. I. Love. That. Film. I might watch it again now.. It is freaking amazing.. and those Beavers.. <3. And Aslan's hair just looks so plushey!
Seee. So Plushey:).
Although the wickedy witch with her polar bears has a mighty resemblance to the bad woman on the Golden Compass.. hmm..
A film my grandparents felt the need to help me remind them off, so they could tell me they loved it and ask when the sequel is out.. awh:).

Fyi, Narnia>Golden compass.

I then chatted for a very long time with my grandparents and cousin and family :). Which I have not done in a long time! was quite nice:). Made everyone tea/ coffee too:). And then it was dinner!
I was waiting for this meal ALL DAY!
Ham. Egg. And Chips. Freaking Lush.
Need I say more?
Take a little peak of this beauty!

Not the one I actually had for tea, but very close. My ham was muchhh thicker and I had a huge mo'fo'ing Duck egg:).
Om nomnom..
Oh I also watched half a panto of Cinderella on TV, of whom all the actors were terrible.. even though it was like, people off eastenders and stuff; it was TrĂ©s shocking..
Thats lame, I remember the code for an accented 'e' from my French lessons...
And well. Thats about it now..
 Its one minute to Middddnighttt!/ CHRISTMAS EVE.
Oh yeah.
:) Bye!

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