Hello 'ello.
New. Years. Eve.
*sigh* .
Lets start at the beguining 'ey.. So, I woke up, as you do in the morning time, had a shower, watched everyone else eat breakfast then bundled into the car for a trip into town; and to the imfamous 'Moffat toffee shop', the soul selling point of this town in my opinion; unless you're old, in which the thirty woolen and tweed shops would just be thrilling for you!
(copied, again incase my phone dies..).
I would add a photo, but It isn't working.. So I will add them all in a single blog when I work out how.. Give me a few days/weeks..
Anywho, I finished twillight last night, and went ad baught new moon, the next book, as I forgot my other books and there is nothing better to do here.. It is just as bad as twilight.. And that is all I shall say on the matter.
We drove up to the mountains and everyone but me went on a walk/hike.. I was freezing in the heated car and didn't dare leave, despite my two tshirts, cardigan, jumper and coat; it felt like minus ten, though the car tells me it was only 3degrees.. (copied..)
And so we drove back and I had a nap and carried on reading my book. And thats all I did until I had to get ready for tonight. Which took around ten minutes, as I am to spend this evening forcing myself to stay awake until twelve, whilst I sit in a scottish pub surrounded by strangers, texting anyone willing to reply.
This year has been so full yet so empty.. Intresting yet inevitably boring. But lets not get into details.
Have a happy new year, see you on the otherside..
Define: Average- Lacking special distinction, rank, or status,exceptional quality or ability.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
30/12 Cold and lonely
I just wrote out a very long entry and my phone just went mad, froze, and did not save it.. Not amused..
I shall start again; I have worked out how to email updates, as my computer is more than dead, and I am in Scotland, in a pub in the little town of Moffat..
(I just copied what I wrote in case of another dilema..)
It was a very long car journey; just under six hours, though it did not seem that long. An amalgimation of sleeping, ipod and reading.. (mostly sleeping ofcourse).
I am reading the Twilight book.. Before you say anything; not out of my own choice. My mum baught it for me for Christmas, I had nothing to read for this four day trip, and everyone says I cannot have such a bad opinion of the book if I have not read it..Its currently living up to my horrible story line, dreadful grammar and sentance structure and just over all.. Terrible expectations. And so, my opinion is now valid, the only good comment I can make is its easy to read.. No thinking involved.. Then again, not really a good thing, in my opinion. I cannot, however appauling the book, stop reading until I have reached the end.
(copied again).
I am currently sat in my aunty and uncle's pub, darts competition currently taking place.. It is awfully chilly up here, and not much to do. I am here for new years, around no one I know, with nothing to do, and not even able to drown my sorrows as my uncle would loose his license for serving me..
Enter the year as you wish to go on.. I do not want to start sad, lonely and cold, though I think that is how it is going to roll out.
Anywho; see you all tomorrow, for my last twenty-ten entry.
I just wrote out a very long entry and my phone just went mad, froze, and did not save it.. Not amused..
I shall start again; I have worked out how to email updates, as my computer is more than dead, and I am in Scotland, in a pub in the little town of Moffat..
(I just copied what I wrote in case of another dilema..)
It was a very long car journey; just under six hours, though it did not seem that long. An amalgimation of sleeping, ipod and reading.. (mostly sleeping ofcourse).
I am reading the Twilight book.. Before you say anything; not out of my own choice. My mum baught it for me for Christmas, I had nothing to read for this four day trip, and everyone says I cannot have such a bad opinion of the book if I have not read it..Its currently living up to my horrible story line, dreadful grammar and sentance structure and just over all.. Terrible expectations. And so, my opinion is now valid, the only good comment I can make is its easy to read.. No thinking involved.. Then again, not really a good thing, in my opinion. I cannot, however appauling the book, stop reading until I have reached the end.
(copied again).
I am currently sat in my aunty and uncle's pub, darts competition currently taking place.. It is awfully chilly up here, and not much to do. I am here for new years, around no one I know, with nothing to do, and not even able to drown my sorrows as my uncle would loose his license for serving me..
Enter the year as you wish to go on.. I do not want to start sad, lonely and cold, though I think that is how it is going to roll out.
Anywho; see you all tomorrow, for my last twenty-ten entry.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
28/12 Oopsie
Helloo, long time no see.. Well, two/three days.. My computer has gone ka-puut. Died. Gone. Its got black screen, and wont do a thing.. Byebye masses of work, photos etc.. Started with no internet.. Then insane slowness.. Defragged it for 4hours and now its given up.. I'm so scared i'm going to lose everything. !Timothy update! He is asleep in a black tee of mine,and has been for a hour or so; all snuggled up, im stroking his back and he is asleep in a little.. Snuggley half ball. He is quite adorable! He has a very fluffy tummy, of which this is the first time he has les me stroke properly, though I guess he likes it/ too asleep to care.. He is still a little poop machine. It's like he is a baby, he needs a nappy really... Constantly pooping and peeing whenever the need comes.. And seriously. Wenever.. I cant dislike him though, his face is too adorable! He is my baby and I love him. Hope this emailyy thingymajiggy works..
Saturday, 25 December 2010
25/12- Hodgeheg♥.
Hello, And a very merry Christmas to you all!
How my December the 25th rolled out:
I was the first awake in my household today, waking up at 8:30am.. Which is a shocker seeing as for the last week The earlier I have woken up is around 2pm..
Any who, I made my self a cup of coffee and started to Watch The muppets Christmas carol, Which I have in fact never seen before, it was well.. interesting, and pasted the time quite well!
I then got greeted by my dad in Pjs, a dressing gown and a humongous santa hat.. A sight for sore eyes in the morning! then after about an hour everyone else was awake, and we had breakfast.
Then I had to wait for more family to arrive before we could unwrap any presents, so I had a sneaky wee nap.
Then after the very lovely Benjamin came round and dropped off the best Christmas present in the world. Ever.
You seriously wont believe me. Well, you might.
Anyways, He bought me a hedgehog!
A HEDGEHOG! I have wanted one (Nay, needed) For so many years and it still feels untrue!
He is currently curled up in a little ball inside my Pajama sleeve having a wee nap himself , Because I just gave him a little bath (I think I have the only hedgehog who really doesn't like bath time that much, But he loves me drying him with a warm towel!)
After this I said god bye to Ben and gave him my expertly wrapped ;) Christmas present.
(It was a super awesome blue and green lava lamp, that personally I wanted to keep >_> but I'm nice to I gave it to him anyway.
Fast forwarding to Christmas dinner, we had it at about half one because my cousin had to catch a flight at 4 (which was rescheduled for today because of the snow) so I was not hungry at all, and forced my self to eat something, oh well, It's Christmas, I had to!
I had, Turkey, Goose, Sausage stuffing, apple stuffing, carrots, swede, roast potatoes, red cabbage, bigs in blankets (lush), and of course, brussel sprouts. And I have probably forgotten something, but oh well!
I just finished watching doctor who.. My gosh I have missed that program!
It was awesome:).
Any who, See you guys tomorrow:).
How my December the 25th rolled out:
I was the first awake in my household today, waking up at 8:30am.. Which is a shocker seeing as for the last week The earlier I have woken up is around 2pm..
Any who, I made my self a cup of coffee and started to Watch The muppets Christmas carol, Which I have in fact never seen before, it was well.. interesting, and pasted the time quite well!
I then got greeted by my dad in Pjs, a dressing gown and a humongous santa hat.. A sight for sore eyes in the morning! then after about an hour everyone else was awake, and we had breakfast.
Then I had to wait for more family to arrive before we could unwrap any presents, so I had a sneaky wee nap.
Then after the very lovely Benjamin came round and dropped off the best Christmas present in the world. Ever.
You seriously wont believe me. Well, you might.
Anyways, He bought me a hedgehog!
A HEDGEHOG! I have wanted one (Nay, needed) For so many years and it still feels untrue!
He is currently curled up in a little ball inside my Pajama sleeve having a wee nap himself , Because I just gave him a little bath (I think I have the only hedgehog who really doesn't like bath time that much, But he loves me drying him with a warm towel!)
After this I said god bye to Ben and gave him my expertly wrapped ;) Christmas present.
(It was a super awesome blue and green lava lamp, that personally I wanted to keep >_> but I'm nice to I gave it to him anyway.
Fast forwarding to Christmas dinner, we had it at about half one because my cousin had to catch a flight at 4 (which was rescheduled for today because of the snow) so I was not hungry at all, and forced my self to eat something, oh well, It's Christmas, I had to!
I had, Turkey, Goose, Sausage stuffing, apple stuffing, carrots, swede, roast potatoes, red cabbage, bigs in blankets (lush), and of course, brussel sprouts. And I have probably forgotten something, but oh well!
I just finished watching doctor who.. My gosh I have missed that program!
It was awesome:).
Any who, See you guys tomorrow:).
Friday, 24 December 2010
24/12- Dear Santa.
Dear Santa,
I do understand this letter is severely late, and you may not reach it in time, However I thought I would just write to you in a small hope that you in fact do.
I am asking kindly for the possibility of a different year in 2011; And a new start for myself.
And so I suggest to you, a few Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
(Quoted from Oren Arnold)
The best gifts cannot be bought with Money; And for some, will not receive any.
We should remember those who Are not with us this Christmas; Those who cannot be with their families, maybe because they are at war.. Or those who have no family to go to..
Merry Christmas Everyone; And love to you all.
P.s; I have been here for 2 and a bit days; And I have 100 page views? Interesting, yet also Mildly creepy..
I do understand this letter is severely late, and you may not reach it in time, However I thought I would just write to you in a small hope that you in fact do.
I am asking kindly for the possibility of a different year in 2011; And a new start for myself.
And so I suggest to you, a few Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
(Quoted from Oren Arnold)
The best gifts cannot be bought with Money; And for some, will not receive any.
We should remember those who Are not with us this Christmas; Those who cannot be with their families, maybe because they are at war.. Or those who have no family to go to..
Merry Christmas Everyone; And love to you all.
P.s; I have been here for 2 and a bit days; And I have 100 page views? Interesting, yet also Mildly creepy..
Thursday, 23 December 2010
23/12- Christmas eve-eve.
(Seasons) Greetings!
How is everyone?
Today was yet again another very uneventful day..
I got out of bed at 2pm, (Sadly that is occurring more frequently..) and had a shower and then went downstairs to find my grandparents had arrived!
WOO! I love my grandparents:) And I have not seen them in so long it was awesome to finally see them again and have a nice big hug from them:).
I then watched Narnia.. I. Love. That. Film. I might watch it again now.. It is freaking amazing.. and those Beavers.. <3. And Aslan's hair just looks so plushey!
Seee. So Plushey:).
Although the wickedy witch with her polar bears has a mighty resemblance to the bad woman on the Golden Compass.. hmm..
A film my grandparents felt the need to help me remind them off, so they could tell me they loved it and ask when the sequel is out.. awh:).
Fyi, Narnia>Golden compass.
I then chatted for a very long time with my grandparents and cousin and family :). Which I have not done in a long time! was quite nice:). Made everyone tea/ coffee too:). And then it was dinner!
I was waiting for this meal ALL DAY!
Ham. Egg. And Chips. Freaking Lush.
Need I say more?
Take a little peak of this beauty!
Not the one I actually had for tea, but very close. My ham was muchhh thicker and I had a huge mo'fo'ing Duck egg:).
Om nomnom..
Oh I also watched half a panto of Cinderella on TV, of whom all the actors were terrible.. even though it was like, people off eastenders and stuff; it was Trés shocking..
Thats lame, I remember the code for an accented 'e' from my French lessons...
And well. Thats about it now..
Its one minute to Middddnighttt!/ CHRISTMAS EVE.
Oh yeah.
:) Bye!
How is everyone?
Today was yet again another very uneventful day..
I got out of bed at 2pm, (Sadly that is occurring more frequently..) and had a shower and then went downstairs to find my grandparents had arrived!

I then watched Narnia.. I. Love. That. Film. I might watch it again now.. It is freaking amazing.. and those Beavers.. <3. And Aslan's hair just looks so plushey!
Seee. So Plushey:).
Although the wickedy witch with her polar bears has a mighty resemblance to the bad woman on the Golden Compass.. hmm..
A film my grandparents felt the need to help me remind them off, so they could tell me they loved it and ask when the sequel is out.. awh:).
Fyi, Narnia>Golden compass.
I then chatted for a very long time with my grandparents and cousin and family :). Which I have not done in a long time! was quite nice:). Made everyone tea/ coffee too:). And then it was dinner!
I was waiting for this meal ALL DAY!
Ham. Egg. And Chips. Freaking Lush.
Need I say more?
Take a little peak of this beauty!
Not the one I actually had for tea, but very close. My ham was muchhh thicker and I had a huge mo'fo'ing Duck egg:).
Om nomnom..
Oh I also watched half a panto of Cinderella on TV, of whom all the actors were terrible.. even though it was like, people off eastenders and stuff; it was Trés shocking..
Thats lame, I remember the code for an accented 'e' from my French lessons...
And well. Thats about it now..
Its one minute to Middddnighttt!/ CHRISTMAS EVE.
Oh yeah.
:) Bye!
23/12- Missing puzzle Peice.
Thats me using my French GCSE (Y); And as much as I will ever use to be quite frank..
I am aware of the fact it is only 12:54am; But that counts at the 23rd.
And speaking of the 23rd, if we take now as the 23rd and not the night of the 22nd, tomorrow is in fact Christmas eve.. No. I am not a fan of Christmas; It is an over marketed religious holiday, now not even relevant to statements in the bible. Full of wasted materials and electricity on Christmas lights, not to mention thousands of trees dying just to be decorated appallingly and left to die for 2 or three weeks.. That does sound quite scrougey I suppose.. But other than all that I guess I like Christmas.. I like the Christmas dinner and seeing family.
I don't like the amount of money people feel necessary to spend on presents for people.. Any other time of the year, other than your birthday, you would not get that much stuff or that amount of stuff you do not even need! Oh well, My Christmas list is filled with essentials I need.. A hedgehog(Yes; essential..); clothes, makeup, Reading Fest. ticket. And thats it. Maybe an excessive amount of chocolate too.
Christmas music.. I guess it is a love hate thing.. It starts getting played in shops a month and half too early, forcing people into thinking they must buy things for Christmas before everything is out of stock.. and For the month of December we forget what real music actually is (Though majority of chart hits are no real music anyway!) and listen to the same ten tracks every year; over and over on repeat, without fail. And no one complains about it..
Christmas discussion over.
The main reason I started writing this entry is because I feel.. Well I can't quite describe and thought maybe I could get it out by just letting it all flow onto here..
Following events of yesterday/earlier I have this weird feeling; which has increased in greatness throughout the day.
It is like.. a longing mixed with this feeling of being incomplete, but as though a huge chunk of me is genuinely not there; and it feels odd, weird, and kind of makes me feel a bit nauseas.
Like I am missing a little piece of my Puzzle.
Auf Wiedersehen.
I did German for three Years.
Thats me using my French GCSE (Y); And as much as I will ever use to be quite frank..
I am aware of the fact it is only 12:54am; But that counts at the 23rd.
And speaking of the 23rd, if we take now as the 23rd and not the night of the 22nd, tomorrow is in fact Christmas eve.. No. I am not a fan of Christmas; It is an over marketed religious holiday, now not even relevant to statements in the bible. Full of wasted materials and electricity on Christmas lights, not to mention thousands of trees dying just to be decorated appallingly and left to die for 2 or three weeks.. That does sound quite scrougey I suppose.. But other than all that I guess I like Christmas.. I like the Christmas dinner and seeing family.
I don't like the amount of money people feel necessary to spend on presents for people.. Any other time of the year, other than your birthday, you would not get that much stuff or that amount of stuff you do not even need! Oh well, My Christmas list is filled with essentials I need.. A hedgehog(Yes; essential..); clothes, makeup, Reading Fest. ticket. And thats it. Maybe an excessive amount of chocolate too.
Christmas music.. I guess it is a love hate thing.. It starts getting played in shops a month and half too early, forcing people into thinking they must buy things for Christmas before everything is out of stock.. and For the month of December we forget what real music actually is (Though majority of chart hits are no real music anyway!) and listen to the same ten tracks every year; over and over on repeat, without fail. And no one complains about it..
Christmas discussion over.
The main reason I started writing this entry is because I feel.. Well I can't quite describe and thought maybe I could get it out by just letting it all flow onto here..
Following events of yesterday/earlier I have this weird feeling; which has increased in greatness throughout the day.
It is like.. a longing mixed with this feeling of being incomplete, but as though a huge chunk of me is genuinely not there; and it feels odd, weird, and kind of makes me feel a bit nauseas.
Like I am missing a little piece of my Puzzle.
Auf Wiedersehen.
I did German for three Years.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
22/12-Why, Hello.
This is something I wished to start in the new year; as kind of like a New years resolution.
However with the amount of thinking I got done today, I decided otherwise, and, here I am.
I plan to update on here every day; If I can, even to say ' Hi, I did nothing today. K. Bed now. Bye.'
I guess I could start with an introduction?..
I am your average teenage girl. Hello. Nice to meet you.
I have those quirky moments, and little interesting parts; but then again, who doesn't. I have come to understanding there is nothing Unique or special about me, I'm just a girl with bright red hair, a few piercings, a lot of phobias and who likes to have a nice good old chat.
Do not expect anything amazing; Each time I write I shall just let my thoughts flow onto the keyboard and that will be that..
I plan on writing everything on here; More as my own online personal diary, But of course for you all to read.. Therefore may be a few things I do not post on here, or will make some comments only a few or even one person would understand or pick up on.
This is me.
Nice to meet you.
*Shakes hand*.
Well; thats the 'introduction' done.
So, what this blog is made for.. what Happened today?
I did nothing and went to bed at 5am; woke up around 10am.
I lied in bed for an hour, being the lazy person I really am.
Then I contemplated revision for my exams in January, Spread out all my chemistry revision across my bed; Looked at it for a fair few seconds; and decided against it.
Then A few mishaps came up from a few people, and then for another several hours nothing occurred.
Around 4 I went with my older brother and his friend into town for Christmas shopping!
Far too crowded, and I hate crowded places. And on this outing I bumped into someone, and. My god. The worst and most awkward thirty seconds of my life...
Moving swiftly on..
I bought Two presents in total, Both for people by the name Of Ben:).
And then went home; falling asleep on the drive back.
And well. Now I am here; Hello.
And Farewell Dear.
However with the amount of thinking I got done today, I decided otherwise, and, here I am.
I plan to update on here every day; If I can, even to say ' Hi, I did nothing today. K. Bed now. Bye.'
I guess I could start with an introduction?..
I am your average teenage girl. Hello. Nice to meet you.
I have those quirky moments, and little interesting parts; but then again, who doesn't. I have come to understanding there is nothing Unique or special about me, I'm just a girl with bright red hair, a few piercings, a lot of phobias and who likes to have a nice good old chat.
Do not expect anything amazing; Each time I write I shall just let my thoughts flow onto the keyboard and that will be that..
I plan on writing everything on here; More as my own online personal diary, But of course for you all to read.. Therefore may be a few things I do not post on here, or will make some comments only a few or even one person would understand or pick up on.
This is me.
Nice to meet you.
*Shakes hand*.
Well; thats the 'introduction' done.
So, what this blog is made for.. what Happened today?
I did nothing and went to bed at 5am; woke up around 10am.
I lied in bed for an hour, being the lazy person I really am.
Then I contemplated revision for my exams in January, Spread out all my chemistry revision across my bed; Looked at it for a fair few seconds; and decided against it.
Then A few mishaps came up from a few people, and then for another several hours nothing occurred.
Around 4 I went with my older brother and his friend into town for Christmas shopping!
Far too crowded, and I hate crowded places. And on this outing I bumped into someone, and. My god. The worst and most awkward thirty seconds of my life...
Moving swiftly on..
I bought Two presents in total, Both for people by the name Of Ben:).
And then went home; falling asleep on the drive back.
And well. Now I am here; Hello.
And Farewell Dear.
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